Progressive Community Meeting in Cassava Piece

Our chairman Hilmar Keding was in Kingston during the month May to negotiate with construction companies and land surveyors and to supervise the beginning of the renovation process of our compound and building in Cassava Piece that was chosen for our education center.


On Sunday May 9th HELP Jamaica! organized a well-attended community meeting with residents of Cassava Piece. Present were also a member of the ‘Social Development Committee’ (SDC) and officers from the local police station who are in charge for ‘Community Affairs’ in Cassava Piece and surroundings. More than 25 people from the community showed up and listened to what we are planning and expressed their opinions and ideas. We introduced the organization, the aims and goals of HELP Jamaica! and our specific ideas for the education center in the community. The SDC and the local police gave us full support, assured us how needed our initiative is and assured us of their support.

The community expressed their will to help and support us to get the positive and uplifting project started and came up with the idea to organize a clean up on Labour Day on the compound to prepare it for the construction.

