Support For Covid-19 Measures

In August we received the request from the ‘Great Start Academy’ an infant & basic school in Junction, St. Elizabeth to support their needs in rearranging the school according to the Covid-19 rules, regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Health and The Ministry of Education.

To meet the requirements of the Ministries, the school needed to create more space to be able to reduce the class sizes, to purchase and build the extra chairs, desks, whiteboards & other furniture for these new classrooms, set up sanitizer/washing stations on the compound, provide plastic shields on tables to seperate (social distance) the children, set up fans etc..

Keep Distance – Wash Your Hands – Mask Up!

With our immediate financial support (of 4.700,- USD) the school was able to provide all necesseties and to continue to educate the young students of Junction, St. Elizabeth and surrounding communities.

For now the school started with virtual schooling and all teachers teaching online from the school, as the re-opening of the schools in Jamaica is still delayed.

We all do hope the schools can open up again very soon, so hold tight for updates and more pictures.


“Thank you for your great generosity! We at Great Start Academy greatly appreciate your donation and your sacrifice. Your support helps to further our mission through the many projects we undertake during the summer months and has proven to be invaluable to us, thank you again!”    Mrs. Sheron Bent, Principal/Director – Great Start Academy